Monday, February 20, 2012

Blog 4

In this picture there are the simple machines are the inclined plane, wedge, and the screw. A inclined plane can help lift an objectfrom one end to the top of a stairs a wedge can cut an object and a screw can be used to keep thngs togather. A inclined plane makes work easier by breaking it down into smaller parts. A wedge are 2 inclined planes put back to back to cut things. A screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylindr. In a inclined plane the load is the person and the effort are the legs taking the person up the stairs. In an wedge the load is the carrot and the effort is when the knife cuts into the carrot. In a screw the load is the wood your putting the screw in and the effort is when you start screwing the screw in the wood .

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blog 3

There on the left is a lever ,on the right is a pulley, abd on the bottom is a wheel and axle.A lever is used by taking load and and lifting it up a pulley can lift a load up and and make it super easy to lift a heavy object and a wheel and axle can be used to steer an object or vehicle.More or one simple machines are called compound machines. On a lever the load is the bigger person on the see saw the effort is put onby the littler person and the fulcrum is the triangle .on the pulley the load is the ement brick being lifted up the pulley is the fulcrum and the effort is the person tugging on the end of the rope.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Blog #2

I used a power cord then put a recording tape deck thing through the cord and made a belt with it and then used the gears from the tape deck as a sort of DJ table.On that day i really needed a belt to keep my pants up .There were gears on my belt wich are a type of simple machine . The usfullness of the dj belt is to keep your pants from saggin.And you can find the parts in a tape deck and a power cord of any electronicle object.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012